FFGene FliesCode: 99931976

Price: 0.69 EUR
(~280 HUF)Available in stock, Shipment: 24hFly Fishing Shop > Fishing Flies > Dry Fly > Dry FlyHUF

Black Gnat

Black Gnat Fly - A Go-To Fly for Versatile Fishing

The Black Gnat fly is a classic and effective pattern in the fly fishing arsenal. Known for its simplicity and mimicking a wide range of small insects, this fly is particularly effective in various fishing situations. Its predominantly black body, coupled with a delicate wing and hackle, makes it an irresistible target for trout and other freshwater species. The Black Gnat’s versatility lies in its ability to perform well in both still and moving waters, appealing to fish in different environmental conditions. A staple for fly anglers, the Black Gnat fly is a testament to the effectiveness of traditional fly patterns in modern fly fishing.

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Size: Black Gnat

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#18 BL Code: 10071334  
0.99 EUR
(~ 375 HUF)

Buy 6 at a better price 0.69 EUR
(~ 280 HUF)