FFGene FliesCode: 99932180

Price: 0.99 EUR
(~4.79 RON)Available in stock, Shipment: 24hFly Fishing Shop > Fishing Flies > Dry Fly > Dry Fly CDCRON

Emerger Parachute CDC Hedron Body

Emerger Parachute CDC Hedron Body Fly - A Masterful Blend of Form and Function

The Emerger Parachute CDC Hedron Body fly is a sophisticated pattern designed for effective fly fishing, especially during hatch periods. This fly features a parachute-style hackle and wings crafted from CDC (Cul de Canard) feathers, known for their natural buoyancy and delicate appearance. The Hedron body of the fly provides a realistic and segmented look, closely resembling the emergent form of various aquatic insects. The combination of the CDC feathers and the detailed body design makes this fly exceptionally effective in luring trout and other fish in both still and moving waters. The Emerger Parachute CDC Hedron Body fly is a testament to the innovation in fly tying, offering a perfect blend of natural materials and functional design for a successful fishing experience.

Emerger Parachute CDC Hedron Body in stock - Shipping 24h. Tomorrow you can enjoy the purchased goods. Check the category: Fly Fishing Shop > Fishing Flies > Dry Fly > Dry Fly CDC . Great Brands and Best Prices - Fly Fishing Shop Taimen

Size: Emerger Parachute CDC Hedron Body

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#18BL Code: 10072481  
1.29 EUR
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